We believe that domestic robotics, once they are ubiquitous, will create revolutionary prosperity for the United States and all humanity.
Cost-effective robotics can only be achieved by a team with profound knowledge of machines, materials, electronics, and ML-based control systems.
So, we are learning the skills and building the team and the business that can make this happen.
Skills & Experience
Mechanical Design
Electronics & PCB Design
ML & Control Systems
Software Applications
Smart Materials
IP & inventions
Product Design Advising
Startup Development
Our hiring approach is to identify complimentary skills across engineering and business roles. Team members tagged with a star ✸ contributed five years or more towards building Deft into what it is today.
Current Members
Core Principles
1. Grow, Together
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17
2. Define Success
The man who knows what he wants, gets it.
Napoleon Hill
3. Put in the Reps
Keep on learning and learning, and pretty soon you learn something no one has learned before.
Richard Feynman
4. Stay Hungry
…Stay Foolish.
Steve Jobs (Whole Earth Catalog)
Reading List
The Virtues of War
Think and Grow Rich
Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feyman!